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Tulln, Austria
Ripetizioni inserite
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Via Grado Note
5c+ 5c+.5
A few hard moves in slight overhang at the top. Michi did it twice.
6b 6b.5
Really proud to have on-sighted this. There are many chalked holes and it was not easy to figure out the best way but it worked out. Footholds were tiny on the left side but visible.
6c 6c.5
2° giro
I am really happy to send this fantastic route up on pockets and jugs. The whole face hangs two meters over and it was a fight to do it. Especially tricky was to figure out the beta. There is a good rest at the 5th bolt and the crux was at the sixth - going from 2 finger pockets with both hands high, using technical foot holds and a toe hook to reach the saving jug on the left.
5c+ 5c+.5
Fun route with steep parts on big holes for 2 bolts. Crux is a big move to the left and then a I solved it with side-pull opposed foot move high up bit there are many holds and options.
5c 5c.5
Good 25m climb first in a corner, then continues on the slab to the left of it. While Michi climbed, a mad cane memmerino visited me and threatened to eat me
6a 6a.5
Climb on the arete up to chain after 20m. Continues on Via La Lieta sorpresa 6a+
6b+ 6b+.5
DONE WITH ONE BREAK (because beta was unclear that I actually had to use the good holds to the right on the rightmost part). I will redpoint this next time. Delicate slab at first third, second third low angle with no hand-rest, third third is pumpy traverse to the left and up on bigger holds.
6b 6b.5
NOT CLIMBED FREE YET. I had to figure out beta twice on lower part and once on the upper slab. Really nice route and one to come back to!

Migliori prestazioni

Data Via Grado Proposto
14-04-2024 7a 7a.5
17-03-2024 7a 7a.5
15-06-2024 6c 6c.5
04-02-2024 6c 6c.5
30-03-2024 6c 6c.5
28-04-2024 6b+ 6b+.5

Migliori prestazioni a vista

Data Nome Grado Proposto
17-02-2024 6b+ 6b+.3
14-04-2024 6b 6b+.5
15-06-2024 6b 6b.5
17-03-2024 6b 6b.5
01-06-2024 6a+/6b 6a+/6b
30-03-2024 6a+ 6a/6a+

Falesie più frequentate

Regione Falesia Ripetizioni
Lazio - Italia Guadagnolo (Fascia Superiore) 16
Abruzzo - Italia Pietrasecca (Vena Cionca) 14
Lazio - Italia Norma (Placche Rosse) 12
Lazio - Italia Sperlonga (Il Castello Invisibile) 10
Lazio - Italia Sperlonga (Avancorpo di Destra) 8
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